What to do for postpartum acne?

I’m absolutely losing my mind. I’m 4 weeks postpartum and my skin is horrible. Over the last few years I’ve dealt with hormonal acne, so around pms and periods I get acne around my chin, but neverrr this bad.

My skin got so clear during my pregnancy, so being postpartum and already dealing with so many changes and the aftermath of pregnancy, my face looking so awful is really getting to me and my mental health.

I’ve been trying my usual witch hazel and aveeno moisturizer, and I also got some pimple patches to help- or at least hide them- and I wash my face twice a day with just water. I also was trying a proactive sulfur thing but it really dried out my skin so I’m not using that anymore.

I try not to pick at my face but it’s so hard, especially when they’re white or extremely painful. It’s also really itchy, especially on the bottom of my chin, which causes me to scratch and pick which I know isn’t helping.

I’m really about to schedule a dermatologist appt but I literally have no money for that so I feel so stuck. Ugh I just want to feel somewhat okay in my body right now.