Comments from strangers

Ive had quite a few comments from random strangers regarding me being pregnant.

The first was a woman at Olive Garden, "You carry like I did, uncomfortably"!

The second was a couple of days ago at the grocery store and this was the one that really got me, "are you miserable, you must be miserable, you look miserable". That one made me want to cry, who in their right mind says that to a pregnant lady? I was having an ok day before that too.

Ive gotten some others like, "my third grandbaby is on the way and shes due any day now, when are you due"? Those I dont mind so much.

I just dont understand the need to comment on a pregnant womans body! 100% of the comments have been from middle-aged to elderly women whom I feel like SHOULD know better. Dont say anything if you have nothing nice to say, you dont know how your comment could impact said pregnant person that day.

Rant over, thats it... just needed to get it out.