New Grad Making More

Looking for some advice as to how to approach this situation. I’ve been working in outpatient GI for 3 years, I’ll be fully vested in my 401k toward the end of the month. I love working with my coworkers and collaborating doctor. I work for a large healthcare company, and last year we underwent a market adjustment to standardize pay across the board for PAs. I went from 101k starting in 2021 to 123k in 3 years due to the adjustment and we generally receive a 4.5% raise each year. My coworkers who both have more experience than I do are making around 124/125k which I know through honest conversations with them. Recently we hired a new grad and they told me that they are making 125k from the start, granted they negotiated 3k more, but it feels like a complete slap in the face for our employer to be paying us less than a new grad. The department would fall apart without the 3 of us who essentially run the clinic/inpatient duties on a daily basis. I want to ask for a raise but am not sure how to go about this. Any advice?