Definitive guide to "what labs mess up other labs"?
I consider this to be among the 'secret knowledge' that some just seem to know but folks inexperienced with family/primary/internal are a loss with. I've checked of the best recommended lab books, but surprisingly, they don't cover this in the slightest, best I can tell.
Look up a value, and you get all kinds of algorithms and differentials and ideas of next steps, but nobody bothers to tell you that if the patient is also has x disorder, you may have to correct for that other lab first.
There are dozens and dozens of these little tidbits and associations that I'm sure become intuitive, but for the inexperienced, when mutiple labs come back abnormal, it can be hard knowing where to start, what might be real, and what might be artifact.
Has anybody seen any sort of guide that actually includes this information?