What question(s) to ask about malpractice insurance?
Hi all,
I started my first PA job a few weeks ago, and am currently just shadowing until credentialing is finalized. As I’m not seeing patients yet on my own, I wanted to make sure I had the proper insurance coverage. I emailed one of the company managers asking if they cover insurance and if so, if it’s claims made or occurrence policy. She said they do cover insurance, and she would inquire about my question.
A week or so went by and I hadn’t heard anything, so I texted her asking if she knew anymore about the insurance. She then called me, and asked what specific things I want to know. I told her I just wanted to make sure there wasn’t any additional coverage I needed to be purchasing, and she said there wasn’t.
The problem is I’m not entirely sure what I should be asking… it seems like most people are given a dollar amount their insurance covers and in general more information than just “we cover it”? I was kind of caught off guard as I didn’t realize I needed to know specific questions to ask. My offer letter says nothing about insurance coverage. I don’t have a contract with them, just the offer letter.
Does anyone have any advice for what questions I should be asking? Or if I should just purchase insurance on my own to be safe? My biggest fear is to think I’m covered for malpractice when I’m actually not. I don’t really know any other PAs, so I’m kind of at a loss for who to ask for help or advice. Thanks!