Last update: The new grad guidebook is finally published!

Hello again everyone!

I wanted to thank the community for your support and feedback on the new grad guidebook.  After multiple rounds of beta readers from this community, professional editors, and countless hours of writing later… the book is finally published!  

As a thank you, I wanted to offer the book to you all at the lowest price possible (Free on kindle unlimited / $5 ebook / $12 print) for the next two weeks before it goes up to normal pricing.  I am also happy to answer your questions here (Ask Me Anything) about the transition to practice or anything else you'd like to know.  

If you’ve missed my prior posts, here is the TLDR for the project: Our biggest challenge as APPs is the transition year after graduation.  Practices are leaving us to sink or swim without the mentorship prior generations had.  I wrote a book that addresses these challenges you’ll face as a new grad and summarizes the key knowledge you’ll need to practice medicine safely.  I cover everything from finding a job without red flags to the clinical medicine that isn’t taught well in schools.  The target audience is PA students in clinical year and new grads.

For what it’s worth, I have nearly a decade of experience as a clinician-educator and am currently an assistant program director for an EM APP postgraduate training program.  We've thought a lot about these topics!

Check it out on Amazon if you're interested~

