My experience with PCVR + Is there game that is remotly close to HF Alyx?

I play vr stand alone games for 3 years now, still have my quest 1, I was comtemplating upgrading to the 3 but instead I said why not try PCVR first, my laptop is a 970m, so I doubted it would play any decent game, I was surprised that I could use link to open Steam VR so Kudos to Oculus for still supporting the quest 1, and my first game fortunately that I thought of was Half Life, let me tell you that eventhough I only use it in low graphics mode, and I only use a 5g router but I use it exclusively for the quest. I was blown away by how great the game was, I had goospumps once it launched and I spent about 30 min just in the balcony! bare in mind that I played tons of standalone vr games before, but nothing gave me this feeling ever since I first tried VR for the first time, anyway I'm now still playing the game like 1 hour a day, but I'm afaraid I'm so spoiled by this game that I wont find anything close to it once I finish it. any one can suggest any other game that is decently made for PCVR? and most of all as well optimised as Alyx? by the way I'm very happy with my quest 1, the resolution is enough and the black colour is great, and the controllers feel high quality.