As we all know, our health system is fucked.

I've just been informed via email that my referral to see a spinal specialist has been denied.

I've been waiting 5 months. That's 5 fucking months of being in ridiculous amounts of pain, taking opioids, starting doing fucking yoga and palates to try manage this pain while I wait, and all for fucking nothing.

I've been admitted to hospital mulitple times unable to walk unassisted, wipe my ass unassisted and I'm 28 with a fucking walking stick. I'm struggling to control my right leg, it's got tingling patches all over it, I've lost reflexes in both my legs, I've lost my balance, I've got numb patches spreading up my back and I can't piss half the time.

Getting to sleep is nearly impossible because every position hurts in some way. Waking up is a nightmare because my body is stiff and sore making it horrible to even just sit up. I start every fucking day literally dragging myself up and out of bed while struggling to breath through the shooting pains and hoping I'll be able to walk today.

I've had accidents not being able to make it to the toilet from sudden urgency and being unable to move fast enough.

I cant afford private health care, all I have is the public health system but the New Zealand goverment is currently being run by a bald version of Trump, a maori man who hates his own people and just a straight up idiot, so of course they're cutting funding left right and center to give tax cuts to their upper class mates.

I know I'm lucky to have any kind of public health system available. If I'm actively dying I'll get immediate free health care and it'll all be fine but for now? I'm just fucked. Sitting here taking high doses of bullshit chemicals turning my brain to mush while my body falls apart.

I swear I'm doing everything I can but it's never enough. I just need some fucking help but because my MRI says I've only got 5 bulging discs, 1 annular tear and loss of disc height all over BUT no signs of cord compression, I must be fine. I must be over reacting. It must be all in my head. It's probably because I'm overweight. Or because im female. It's probably mental health related. Attention seeking. Drug seeking. It couldn't possible be because IM IN FUCKING PAIN AND IM SCARED.

I'm tired of this. I've been fighting so hard, doing everything right but it will never be enough. I'll keep going. I'll keep trying to do my exercises. I'll show up to ED when I need too and I'll have more referrals sent but honestly I've got no hope. I'm doing it because I don't know what else to do.

I see new stories everyday of other people suffering, sometimes people dying, because of our health system crumbling to the ground and I just have no idea what to do. I sign petitions, I share stories on social media trying to raise awareness and spread the message that something needs to be done but clearly they don't care so what's next?

An organized mass protest would be perfect but the majority of people affected by this are chroniclly ill. I cant march down to the beehive and camp out there until we come to a deal. All we have is these news stories but they're not sitting there listing to us they're too busy having high tea on the tax payers dime. This all just seems hopeless.

UPDATE I have emailed my local MP with information and a challenge to sit in the local ED waiting room for 12hrs 😅