It Gets Better.

Sitting here drinking my coffee with my 9 month old. She’s sitting and entertaining herself with her toys, crawling around our living room, while I watch TV and drink our coffee. Her sleep isn’t perfect, but it’s doable and most days I get decent sleep. She is so cute and funny and I love watching her learn new things. She can give “high fives”. She thinks our cat is the coolest thing in the world.

I had a rough few months postpartum. Like, really rough. I would cry and miss my old life. I would be so frustrated with my baby for not sleeping or whatever other thing was going on.

Over time, month by month, things get easier. We still have rough weeks but things are starting to fall together into this new life of ours and I love it. Just wanted to make this post so those in the trenches know that you will, soon enough, be on the other side of those trenches and will find some peace again.