Let's talk tummy time...is it really *that* necessary?
My 10 week old absolutely refuses tummy time. He will bury his head into the floor, close his eyes, and cry. I hate making him do it. I've tried elevating him on the boppy or couch and it's the same result. If I put him on my chest, he is too comfortable and falls asleep. Small bursts of tummy time doesn't seem to help either. He loves playing with his piano and kicking when he is on his back. I make sure to turn his head both ways and we work on rolling. We get lots of playtime and I limit "container" time (baby Bjorn chair). We were late to the game starting tummy time and I wonder if that's the problem. We had a rough first few weeks and I figured we'd "get around to it" and we just never did. And then we both got covid and we got into survival mode and no tummy time happened. And then we moved half way across the country. Now we are 10 weeks in and I can't for the life of me get him to do tummy time. Please help 😭