I was ran over
In 2022 I was ran over. Being cut off by a jeep who never looked. Came over and gave me about 16 inches of reaction time. With a 15 mph difference. 70 zone, they were going 60ish; and, I was going 75.
I then proceeded to get ran over (with my bike) by a Toyota 4runner impacting the jeep. We slid / possibly dragged too. 296ft (bike) 260 ish ft (me)
Injuries -pelvis broken two places -fractured vertebre -completely broken left fever, fibula, tibia, ankle, foot -broken left humerous -broken left collar bone -broken right humerous, radius, ulna. -vascular injuries no blood flow left leg (twisted 3 times) 86% amputation -various trauma injuries (paperwork literally did not specify) -road rash all over burned through gear besides astars back protector
Result -left arm plate -right arm two plates -2 pins in wrist /removed -pelvis plate and bolt for leg -left leg rods in femur -left leg three rods in bottom portion of leg -multiple skin graphs -open wound heal time = 1 yea
Full gear: HJC Rpha helmet, astar short cuff gloves, astars pants, astars jacket, (work boots on said day that shredded, one never found)
Surgery 2 & 1/2 weeks everyday Hospital 2 months Bed 6 months Wheelchair 6 months Crutches 7 months
No lawsuit. Police report stated I was trying to lane split and failed to navigate it correctly. In reality I aimed my bike for the painted line. Hoping the jeep would of moved over faster to avoid them. Adrenaline kicked in and slowed time. I didn't have the time to react that I thought I had. (No escape on right side, concrete barrier no emergency lane.)
Currently: walking, no cane, no amputation. Back to trade work. Drop foot have to wear brace forever.
Bikes ridden since accident: cr85 two stroke, 200cc scooter, grom, 1290 superduke, zx10, r1
Would love a cbr triple r, or superduke as my next bike.
Bike I was on during accident was a 2007 cbr 600rr that I put 43,000 miles on.