I can't believe I think touring/ Adv bikes are awesome.

I grew up LOVING sport bikes. Got my first one when I was 18(cbr600rr) and got a super moto in 2022. I'm 32 now and I have been exclusively riding the super moto for about half a year due to lack of interest in the cbr. I finally took the cbr out this weekend and thinking how uncomfortable it is and how shit clip ONS are for cruising. I never used to feel that way, I enjoyed everything about crotch rockets. But the Super moto has opened my world to how good upright riding feels. Now I'm watching videos about all kinds of touring and adventure bikes And thinking "aw man! Heated grips, CRUISE CONTROL, wind protection!" I bet you could ride that bad boy anywhere you decided to" I even like the way a lot of them look 😂. They all make enough power to do hooligan stuff on so I wouldn't be losing out on fun.

So my question is.. Does everyone go through this phase? Are adventure and touring bikes the ultimate conclusion for things that really matter in a motorcycle?