Would you be in favour of keeping daylight saving time all year? (Or just even winter time all year)
I just wish they'd pick one, and stick with it! I can't be the only one that gets annoyed with the current system.
It would mean on June 21 (the shortest day of the year), sunrise would change from 7.36am with a sunset of 5.08pm to sunrise at 8.36am and sunset of 6.08pm.
Alternatively we could keep winter time, but it would mean sunrise on Dec 21 (longest day of the year) at 4.55am and sunset at 7.42am, instead of the current 5.55am and 8.42pm.
I'd prefer to keep summer time all year, but even winter time all year is better than current system of changing clocks. I know it's irrational, but I really hate it. I believe in Europe and the US they're looking at just sticking to one time all year. I think we should do the same.