Matchmaking in Marvel Rivals is Absolutely Brutal Right Now
I don’t know what’s going on with the matchmaking system this past week, but it has been atrocious. I peaked Celestial 1 a week ago and have been consistently playing games, but for some reason, the past few days have felt completely one-sided. It’s either a complete stomp or getting stomped there’s no in-between.
Because of this, I’ve deranked all the way down to GM 1. I remember hitting this damn rank back in early February, and now I’m right back to square one. Meanwhile, my alt account peaked Celestial 2 and is level 31, while my main is sitting at level 53 yet somehow, my main is getting harder matches. The losses don’t even feel natural. I’m getting teammates who are way below my skill ceiling, and it’s frustrating because I know I’m not the best player, but I also know I don’t play poorly enough to be stuck in this situation. If I have a bad game, it’s almost never just me—it’s either an entire team diff or something completely out of my control.
Trying to climb back to Celestial 3 feels impossible right now because every match is a 50/50 gamble. It didn’t feel like this weeks ago when I was steadily climbing through Celestial 3, 2, and 1, which were all my personal bests. Now, I’m constantly getting paired with people who don’t acknowledge why we’re losing, force weird team comps, refuse to swap out of pure ego, straight-up throw, or disconnect mid-game not even out of rage, just random lag issues.
At this point, I feel like my account is being targeted. I have never experienced this kind of losing streak in any other ranked game. I’ve even been analyzing multiple streamers, and a lot of them are going through the same trend something feels off with the system.
For context, I’m a very flexible player who mainly plays tanks and support, so I’m always adapting to what the team needs. But none of that even seems to matter when matchmaking is just throwing me into a casino-style ranking system. I don’t know if this is just MMR bugging out or if the game is actively trying to balance teams in the worst possible way, but I hope this gets addressed soon because this isn’t fun at all.