I need to talk about queen bee/the landlords little girl

Throw away account because this is basically just classy porn.

But seriously, this godam series is so good!

When pyo (or junie) saves hanas life and she tries to sleep with him because she is so degraded that she thinks the only way she can repay him is with her body and he is so disgusted. Man that was so cool, like for a series about fuckin, the best parts are about Junie, who's this frikin kid who's been brainwashed by Darla his whole life who doesn't even get any real action till like part 100. This thing is so awesome and there isn't a subreddit for it or any posts discussing it, but I just wanna talk about how dope this is with other people. It's so messed up and intriguing, and the actual porn is like the most boring part! Anyone else feel read this one?

Edit: I just need to add, pyo/Junie is such a great fucking person, and they just get totally screwed over, everyone else in this story (except maybe the prostitutes he meets and the girl in his art class) is a monster. Literally everyone is one step away from throwing eachother under the bus except Junie, he's just so undeserving of what he got.

Edit 2: also the themes about class warfare are so amazing, it's sad that this work isn't talked about.