Gongseop's statement about Gitae >= Prime James is becoming true

And I am not just talking about Powerscaling but about their stature as an entity in this mahwa aswell. Think about it, Gitae has been lil bro'ing James in real time.

  1. He just acted out of the plan and took off to Busan on his own. When asked if he regrets it, he replied 'could give two fucks less about someone like James'.

  2. Even in the panels where both James and Gitae appear, James goes with the formal tone, always using 'Mr Gitae Kim', it always felt like James kept 'reporting' to Gitae instead of leading the plan, like James is the #2 and Gitae is #1. Even though we as readers know thar James is supposed to be #1.

  3. Also James before the Busan arc was laying low, he was avoiding making any new enemies, was obliging to anyone and everyone, hell even his plan was stagnant, but as soon as that plane landed, he became all active, like how a lil bro gets excited after seeing their big brother.

Even if he look at their past interactions where James was relatively weaker than his current self, he was too shocked to take on the first gen kings, he wanted to build his body, he was desperate for help so guess who he called? Yup BIG bro Gitae, hell he even REQUESTED Gitae to take down Jichang just coz James couldn't muster his smarts.

What do you guys think? Will James realize that he's getting lil bro'ed and confront Gitae, or he'll chicken out in front of the big boss/brother???