Why do y'all think this is Jinrang?
Currently, people have been saying that the person SB UI Danny copied in 1A was Jinrang because of this panel
Jinrang using Gap's Fighting Style
Since it's the same move used from the fight between SB UI Danny and OG UI Danny
But people are seemingly forgetting that Kitae is notorious for trying to copy Gapryong Kim to an almost obsessive degree, doing things such as collecting the objects Gap had left with his other children. In the 1A arc and in the same chapter of the UI Fight, Jinyoung literally says this
Also in the chapter, Warren's description of SB UI Danny's moves are the opposite of how Jinyoung described Gap's fighting style:
Jinyoung Describing Gap Fighting Style
So if this really is UI Danny copying Jinrang who is copying Gap then it just wouldn't make sense. Jinrang is clearly able to copy nearly perfectly Gap since he uses conviction as well. Because of this, only one person fits the criteria of who the copy could be, Kitae.
Kitae not only is notorious for copying Gap but unlike him and Jinrang, he doesn't have conviction and only relies on his innate strength which could explain why his copy of Gap's moves are unsightly and rough, completely the opposite of Gaps.
Anyways, that's about it. I've also seen people argue that SB UI Danny copied multiple people in the fight (Referring to the moves he used that Warren described as unsightly and rough) and not just one but that I just don't think that makes sense.