Do you sometimes like your limerence and would choose not to cure it if given a magic pill?
I just got done watching 'Is Limerence Always Bad?" on Dr. Tom Bellamy's YT channel wherein he details the potential 5 "benefits" of limerence. Tom Bellamy is an academic neuroscientist and Associate Professor at the University of Nottingham in the UK and focuses much of his work on the subject of limerence. He conducted a survey recently to participants who identify as limerent as to whether they would choose to cure their limerence if given the option to easily do so, and to my great surprise, it sounds like the majority of respondents were conflicted about living a life free of limerence.
How do yall feel? I feel like limerence is a curse and has been very distressing for me personally. While limerence can and does shine a mirror on things in my life that I'm not happy with and have been purposefully ignoring, the gravity from these sudden realizations, and consequentially the ways in which I choose to go about addressing those aspects of my life while limerent, are ultimately destructive (like starving myself, isolating myself, spending too much money on new clothes, makeup). I've also always been a prolific day dreamer and when I'm limerent it becomes very maladaptive to the point where I will spend hours in bed just to fantasize. The day fades away like it never happened, life becomes a gray hamster wheel of stagnation. At the same time, I recognize that limerence gives an excitement to life and turns up the contrast of everything, and that feels really, really good. Interested in hearing from others on this matter!