Limbus Community Appreciation/Dislike Post

Just thought I'd make this post after a really heated time playing it and clearing my head and seeing a post talking about how the community has basically scared me off. Doesn't really matter if you watch me or care, this is more of a review/discussion on some aspects related to the community. Also I have no intention of quitting the game even if I didn't stream it and I'm definitely pulling those burn units tomorrow on stream because the games great and I gotta finish canto 6 sometime, can't leave chat hanging mid canto. Hope a burn teams fun.

First of all, this games really really good. I'm fairly new to the game and midway through canto 6. I've played a lot of gachas and stories in them are generally trash and I skip them. This is one of the few gachas actually worth reading and with good gameplay. It's much more of a game than gacha (Gotta fund the anime somehow). Genuinely way better than expected and definitely much more up my alley than most which is really refreshing. Totally understand why PM fans are insane cult members with crazy loyalty cause I can feel it too.

Now I've been enjoying streaming it and have had some really fun chat interactions with the community. It's insanely welcoming with a lot of great people who just want to see someones first time experience with their favorite game/franchise. Honestly can't fault people if they get too excited or go overboard a bit we've probably all been there. It's always fun watching someone experience a certain moment an seeing how they react or what they think.

However... out of every community I've ever seen or category I've streamed in this might have been one of the most frustrating experiences I've had with a game. It simultaneously has some of the most welcoming fans and the most clueless arrogant ones at the same time like legit dunning kruger. I've had constant one on one wars in chat over which games better or team etc and I never banned anyone over it but it's funny how pissed people get. So many people also LOVE giving advice thats legit just wrong and have no idea what they're saying and somehow my new ass knows some of these mechanics better but I guess I passed highschool english and I'm not even good. I actually had to get into a call with another streamer to help them get started because their chat was just saying random trash which half was wrong when he wanted beginners help and how to build a team. Both of these are kinda funny but don't hurt anyones experience much.

Now the real issue is backseating/spoiling. Man. It really hurts the game, even more so when you're having a great time. Many say it isn't a great stream game but I disagree, this game is honestly really enjoyable with other people and everyones having a good time with the amazing music, story and coin sounds. But I have never seen so many people backseat on any game I've ever played. Even fighting games, league of legends, fps, I've never seen even CLOSE to this amount and those are actually competitive. Not to mention all the people that spam spoiler type things when you mention something such as liking a character and they spam x character name Clueless which like... great now I know something happens. Lots of people say just to either emote only mode or heavy moderation and they may be right. But jesus I've never seen more people lacking self control. I've finished plenty of story games on stream with zero spoilers and only tiny minimal backseating. It's just a shame because generally I don't mind much backseating and story spoilers usually don't even affect me much in games. But somehow theres just SO MUCH like 1 every 5 chat messages it's kinda insane. I always try to read all the chats I can so people can feel included but it can be a pain. That isn't to say that anyone reading this needs to change or police others, I'm more confused as to why it even is while also venting my frustrations. Also yea, I can definitely improve as well I got insanely upset (more than almost ever even during pvp games) and banned/timeout a bunch of people which may have been unfair, but also after being warned like 3 times and people provoke what do they expect. Today in canto 6 I fought a boss and chat became insufferable. When doing a hard fight it's fun to learn it yourself but instead just a ton of messages saying everything you do is wrong and do x or y puts a damper on things. Even telling people doesn't stop them. I'm playing this not just as a streamer but also a guy who's a real fan.

Anyways just want to say that the games great, alot of you have been really great and keep on being the way you are... but I totally understand why the community has gained a negative reputation in some regards. People blame roblox or whatever (which is basically just the modern Wc3 custom games) but I think it's more just a bunch of people trying to show off their knowledge in their favorite game but coming off terrible. This isn't the hardest game I've ever played before, nor the game with the biggest or most toxic fanbase. Why's so much of this all concentrated in one place? Well whether you agree or disagree the games great as is a lot of the community. Hope the game continues for a long time and we can all enjoy it together. Nice to meet everyone (EXCEPT YOU INSANELY ANNOYING BASTARDS WITH 1ST GRADE READING COMPREHENSION)