Took ranked seriously for the first time

Hello! I first started this game back in late season 4 but never really played ranked. The competitiveness didn't appeal to me. Some seasons I would do placements but it was never consistent. I started off getting placed in silver but later on would get placed in bronze.

Near the end of this year (around November) I got incredibly bored so I decided to try out ranked. I got placed at the bottom (Iron IV), and as I only had a couple of months left in the season I made my goal to simply reach Gold IV before the season ends.

Thankfully, I managed to stop procrastinating and grinded to my goal in the last 4 days of the ranked season, and I felt like sharing some thoughts.

- Getting placed in Iron IV was tough. Had to actively hard carry games from JG just to climb out since I felt I would have the most impact there. Once I got to silver I pretty much only played top.

- Sometimes your teammates will actively try to lose just to spite other teammates. An exchange I had in low iron still sticks out to me.
Me: "We can still win this game."
My Jgler: "And what if our adc deserves to lose?"

-League of legends players are some of the most spiteful and egotistical meatheads. They will actively kneecap themselves just to make their own team unhappy.

- Mental is VERY important. Absolutely shot my MMR in low silver because I insisted on playing during a losing streak. My LP gain per win went from 35 to 20. Sometimes you just need to cut your losses and call it a day.

- One-tricking a champion is VERY helpful once you get past bronze, as it allows you to focus more on macro play due to high familiarity with your kit.

- With that being said, sometimes you need to just make the sacrifice and pick a champion the team needs. More often than not my team needed a tank because the rest just refused to play one.

- Tank toplaners are so braindead lmao I love it.

First time in gold :)