Cool, breathable, lab-friendly clothes?
Apologies if this isn't the sub for this!
I'm doing an internship in a lab over the summer in a state that gets very hot and very humid. I am also very, very intolerant of heat. As you might imagine, this combination becomes a problem. Luckily, I don't have a uniform requirement beyond a labcoat and general lab-friendly clothing rules. Pants, no open-toed shoes, you know the drill.
What do you wear in the lab to keep you cool? I'm looking at scrub pants as the most ideal option right now, but wondering if anyone here has other thoughts. Jeans are my worst enemy haha.
Thank you in advance for any help!! This is my first time doing anything in a proper lab (I'm an undergrad interning on a grad student's project) so I feel very out of my element haha.