Kahoot rules, Blooket drools

Blooket is yet another Kahoot clone that is rising steadily. There have been countless programs and websites that have copied Kahoot, but Blooket is becoming one of the largest ones and it is getting near the popularity of Kahoot. Many people claim that Blooket is better than Kahoot. I disagree. The main reason people claim Blooket is better than Kahoot is that they have more game modes, the most popular being Tower Defense, typically being played alone without others, and Gold Quest, typically played with others. For Tower Defense, Players tend to pick a quiz that has every answer correct so they just get free towers. At that point, why don’t you just play a normal tower defense game? To get coins to buy “Blooks”, many might say. But they are cosmetic, and other tower defense games actually have a useful reward. Along with that, Blooket’s Tower Defense is so bland, same thing every time. Other tower defense games actually have more gameplay. Gold Quest is just Kahoot, except you get gold instead of points. After correctly answering a question, you are given 3 chests, you can only open one and you don’t know the contents of each one. Each chests has varying helpfulness, some even taking away gold. The thing that’s dumb about this is that it is completely randomized, so someone who did worse than you could be ahead because they got better loot. It doesn’t take skill, it takes luck. And of course, if you aren’t using this for fun, which almost everyone is, you could use it for education. Want to know why Blooket is horrible for education? Because the questions are randomized. Nobody gets the same question at the same time, where in Kahoot you do. If you use it for education, in Kahoot, after each question a teacher can explain it for those who don’t get it. But no, in Blooket, nobody can explain it because everyone is on a different question.