Y'all Need to Calm Down and Grow a Pair

I am regretting replying to some posts here, as now my feed is nothing but ultimate doomsaying from this sub. It's nothing but "where to go outside US" and "this is gonna be awful" and "rebalancing isn't the same as timing" (it is), etc. etc. etc. etc.

Listen, equities in particular are going to be volatile when there's an increase in uncertainty. Welcome to investing. The market is incorporating the effect of tariffs, counter-tariffs, deregulation, etc. on a number of different variables. Of course there will be debate, and that debate shows itself in the form of price volatility.

But guess what? Equities have always seen corrections, bubbles, bear markets, recessions, etc. Do you know what the ultimate, underlying lesson is for those?

  1. You are not some special magic super genius that can time market tops and market bottoms.
  2. As a result, the most plausible best case scenario for most people is buying and holding throughout the volatility.

Welcome to a normal market: there will be times when things are good, times when things are bad, and times where we're not sure where it's going to go. But unless you can point to a specific mechanism, with a specific catalyst, on how the stock market is going to explode, you're letting fear get the better of you.

TL;DR: Calm down, stop with the doom-posting, you're an investor for a reason, and hopefully that reason included a LONG TERM view with the acknowledgement that things will necessarily change and be difficult to determine. All the "omg i sold out asap" bullshit is either people complaining about the election results, or giving into fear to such an extent that they've hurt themselves.

"When others are greedy, be fearful... when they're fearful, be greedy."