Hey Fellas, I'm looking into Instrumentation Tech and could use a bit of guidance!
I Live in Alberta, Canada I have never been in post secondary after I graduated. In highschool I had an undiagnosed learning disability that teachers never really picked up on. Due to this, learning for me was very difficult because nobody took their time to explain the value of information. Only in the last year and a half did I have a teacher that actually understood that I crave information yet had a hard time picking it up. With her amazing insight she helped me grasp learning techniques and I easily graduated with high 70s to low 90s. Now in my life,If I had the chance And money ( currently beyond broke) I would go to school and learn for the rest of my life.
Now that I am 25, I finally have a full diagnosis, I found an appreciation for Electricity, Mechanics and optimization. Talking to my Grandfather who was an electrician all of his life, he mentioned This field, explaining how important it is,how interesting the technology is, and how lucrative the ticket can be.
My main questions from here are as follows:
What is that work life like?
How much of a learning curve should I expect? Given in highschool I didnt spend a lot of time developing my brain to gear towards learning.
What subjects should I excel in?
What prerequisites do I need?
How much does it cost to get into the trade?
Is there many jobs out there apart from the oil and gas industries?
How much are the tools required to perform at your job?
What are the dangers of this job?
This is all I can think of currently on break at my place of work. If there is any additional input anyone would like to give in pertinence to this trade or anything similar,I'm more than willing to read whatever links or information you can provide. Until then I'll do more research than I've already done. The point of this post was to get first hand input to my direct questions. You guys are amazing and this seems so damn interesting. Thank you for your time.