Thoughts of suicide

After years of sleeping well (I'm 44yo) I started having insomnia issues seemingly randomly in March. My GP tried Xanax, then went to Ambien (took for about a week) and finally referred me to a psychiatrist. Psych put me in Dayvigo along with Horizant (supposed to help with anxiety at night?). This seemed to work okay for a while but I was still having issues waking in the middle of the night. Now been on Lunesta for about three weeks, but still waking up every night between 3:30-4:30 and can't get back to sleep (anxiety about falling asleep mostly). I've become severely depressed bc of all this and am working through that with the psych (recently started Trintellix) but this insomnia has me by the balls and won't let go. I have no idea what to do, feel like there's no hope and frequently think about killing myself. Anyone else? And is there hope? I don't know what to do, but death seems preferable to this shit.