Breaking the billion damage point

So, I need some advice.

Main is a 371 BB, with a plethora of alts. About the only real progress up are the divine weapons from kruk, and some of the cavity teeth for the armor. As it stands, I have a lot of the gear needed to be doing the good damage. (Pics enclosed, keychains are the +11% damage from the shop a long time ago). What I am having the hardest time with is the damage. I feel like I am missing something extremely critical. Between the cauldrons for alchemy, salt lick, talents and damage boosts from HP and tradeskills, to stamps and statues, I feel like I've hit a majority of what people post about for those small bonuses that add up. But the idea of killing the mid tier kruk in 30 seconds is still light-years beyond my reach, which is really the hard part of what I need to cap my gear at this point.

So, questions there some small detail that I'm missing? Or am I approaching the kruk fight wrong, and should be using another character? All while trying to balance out gear and stats for the best mega crit, still a long ways off and still working on the megalodon trophy.