Question about Hero Clash
So I’m relatively new to the game I’ve been playing a little over 2 weeks now. Most areas of the game I’ve been able to figure out, but this one makes no sense to me.
When I enter Hero Clash there’s a list of other players I can choose to battle. Each of us have numbers next to our names. If he of them looks to be a power level (the one with the sword). I assumed that meant the lower number was easier to beat. But that doesn’t seem to be the case. My number is currently 63, and I’ve lost miserably to two different people with numbers in the 30s. Both of them had significantly more health than me and one of them started with the hammer power up.
I don’t expect to always win, but it seems like a strange choice to not show us when we’ll absolutely lose. Is there a way to tell how difficult another player is?