Gallbladder sludge.
Hey everyone, I am 37F. I’ve had nearly of year’s worth of reflux, pretty intense upper abdominal pain immediately after eating & occasional abdominal tenderness and pain around my belly button an hour after eating. To be honest, my diet is terrible — not what I consume but rather how I consume (inconsistent eating, forgetting to eat, eating chocolate in lieu of real meals sometimes, eating really fast). I’m a healthy weight for my height (5’6 and 140lbs). Last year I got diagnosed with a mildly fatty liver as seen on MRI.
This year, in May, I had a normal abdomen US, gallbladder was fine. Liver mildly echogenic (doc says likely due to fatty liver). Normal endoscopy and colonoscopy. Got an abdomen/pelvis MRI and had “mild hepatomegaly” and gallbladder sludge. My doctor (a colorectal doc) wanted me to do an Enterography but after the MRI felt that would be overkill. She was unconcerned but ordered a HIDA scan. Problem is, I’m relocating out of state unexpectedly and very soon and it’s insanely stressful. And I can’t pursue treatment until I have new insurance.
So: what is next? I’m always scared of cancer, and wondering if that’s the cause of the sudden appearance of sludge. How does that happen , even at a “normal” weight? Do I pursue the HIDA now or wait till I establish a new care team? I started working with a functional doctor, NOT in lieu of my specialists (would literally never!). Would love any insight. Thank you!