Fun fact: Edwin Murray had no involvement in creating the Classics. Henry Emily is the sole designer and maker of the Fazbear Gang.

This is a belief I've seen going around for a while now, and it's gotten to the point where it's actually kind of ticking me off. No, Edwin did not have a hand in creating the original animatronics. This is directly stated in Tales. He was a contractor for Fazbear Entertainment in the 70s (which was already a big company at that point fyi) who helped put together animatronic characters for their establishments. We know that he was combining endoskeletons with mascot suits of the Fazbear Band, but these were simply just replicas of the main cast, not the original designs. He had no involvement in what Henry and William were doing with their business, and only did what he was hired to do. He is not a third founder or engineer who was doing things behind the scenes, he is a random guy that Fazbear Entertainment took interest in for his expertise in robotics. That's it. If anyone cared enough to read the story or look up an accurate summary of it online, they would know this. I don't understand why the most basic information presented to us by the story is glossed over so frequently by fans. You guys really need to get better attention spans, because not knowing stuff like this is bad if you really care about solving the lore.

Edit: A few people seem to have misunderstood what I'm saying. The series often depicts Henry as being a genius inventor. He outright states in FFPS that he created and built the original animatronics. Edwin was simply tasked to make replicas of them for mass production. It's likely there are more engineers besides Edwin that were hired by Fazbear Entertainment for the exact same purpose. Henry and William obviously couldn't do everything by themselves, that's not how successful companies operate.