I just took a bunch of pills

i took bunch of advil and 10 adderall 30mg idk what will happen oh well if its painful and i just end up in the er or a shutty hngover it doesnt marter nothing matters, i love everything i love everyone goodluck in life ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

one thing that is so amazing is billie ellish her music has been the reason ive been here lately, wveryone just take care of yourselves

Update: IM OK i think feeling ALL the side effects but not enough to make me die i dont think, i wouldve died already i think, maybe i have a tolerance from it already but im super anxious about the sude effects rn or how this is gonna effect me mentally and physically, i just want to say from human to human if youre reading this about my life, me a random nobody, I love you and appreciate you for existing. Each and everyone of you is an actual angel just making sure im ok, I love you more than you know stranger im going to try to get some sleep now hopefully ill wake up ok im supposed to go into work in an hr but i might have to go to the hospital instead i just cant do it rn my mom is waking up soon and friends and family i dont to be that vulnerable with cause i feel like they hold things against u whether they mean it or not just subconsciously look at u as handicapped. i want to feel normal and happy i want to be normal and do good things in life i dont want to die i dont think a lot of people who struggle with mental shit do it just feels as if im being suffocated by everything in life just life and that its the best option or easiest for being at peace or figuring out whats next or if its just nothingness thats ok because we wont even be able to process or feel the emotions well just maybe simply exist as something in nothingness and not being able to feel things is peaceful but now my moms up and i have to miss work i have sm calc 2 hw due and programming and im missing work today because of this bullshit like its not going to get easier it feels like and thats the scary thing about all of this, real life, just that theres a solid chance things never do get better and u just learn to accept emotions and things rhat come and go in your life you learn how to accept things because everything is temporary and i could just end up dead sometime soon and this post will just be forgotten and never read or found again and it slowly slips away from existing and just im going down a rabbit hole of nothing matters and none of this has any meaning only if you stay consistent in all of your thoughts and actions. I’m commenting and writing back so much and I apologize for this post being a lot and im sorry for worrying people im worried myself and i dont feel good rn im hallucinating now and feeling very nauseous but ill be ok im just gonna turn my brain off and listen to some music thanks for everything

Update 2: side effects have been worsening and im just so tired mentally and physically and feel so out of it like my body feels super hypersensitive and everything feels so weird like u ever just stay up the whole night and ur so tired with a bunch of adderall, im hallucinating and my stomach feels acidic like i need to throw up and i need to get off reddit and figure out how im gonna sleep