I've lost interest in everything
I no longer have any strong interests. The things I used to be interested in are now boring to me, and I haven't found anything to replace them. I still find things very mildly interesting, but only a few things.
I don't enjoy anything now. Full stop. Things are either boring, or not boring. I used to love video games, but they feel like a waste of time now. I still play them though, because it helps me to forget about my unfulfilling life.
I thought it was going to get better, and it did...for a bit. Now it's significantly worse.
I hope this doesn't last, but something tells me it will.
I don't know what to do anymore. I don't see a way out, or how anything is going to help me.
UPDATE: I am feeling better now. I still have limited interest in things, but I feel a lot less stressed and unsettled. Thank you to everyone who took time to express their care :)