Comp dbd?

Why is there such a strong hatred for people who deny the viability and legitimacy of comp dbd? Like sure you can hold tournaments and have teams but the whole comp scene seems forced. Dbd as it stands can’t be a comp game. There are too many variables that stop it from being in the same lane as others. It just feels like a way for people to pad their egos because they played in a single unofficial tournament in 2020. Not every game needs a comp scene to be successful, and every attempt at it just comes off a desperate. If you were to ignore its legitimacy and actually look at the gameplay more issues would arise. Every game has either a nurse, blight, or if you’re feeling really quirky, a billy. They hook mid and hold hook until the game is over. This is not very interesting to watch, nor is it revolutionary or skillful. Sorry not sorry this truth nuke had to happen. I am really curious as to how someone could defend comp dbd in any way other than “let people have fun.”