Am I overthinking this?
So there's this woman I have fallen for. We get on very well together. We usually end up talking for hours and loose track of time when we see eachother. And that's exactly the kind of connection I have been looking for my entire life. She's strong and independent, we are both students about to finish our degrees, we both have a job, we both have ambitions and we both have been independent very early on. I like that a lot. When we talk, it's almost always about something deep, like politics, philosophy, history, our fields which we are studying. I've never felt a connection like that before with anyone.
Once she told me about a project which she was working on, AI companions. And she said she felt like that is the only way for people these days to get romance and true love, and that romance is dead and all men want is sex. So I decided to show my affection and show her that romance isn't dead. So I organised a date, I took her to a place where we ended up staying for hours and talking, she told me there that she liked me. As she said it, she grabbed my hand and squeezed it and I felt so much joy, for making her happy. After the thing I had planned a picnic, but since we ended up staying in the place for hours and it got extremely cold, we decided to do that picnic inside. I invited her to my place. I set up a blanket on my bedroom floor, and we sat in candle light, eating and talking for hours. She said she wanted to know more about me, because she felt like she had been telling me a lot about herself while I always talk about "serious topics". So I asked her what she wanted to know, and she wanted to know about my childhood. I shared a lot of stories about my childhood and the culture I was raised in. She said that for the first time in a long time she is finally happy and that she'll take me out next week. It made me happy, ofc I wanted to go out with her again. We finished our meal, she helped me clean up, and I saw her home and that's that. I did tell her I had a crush on her, and that I feel a lot for her.
The next day, she said she had to work and study and had no time to make food for herself. So after work, I went to her place, and while she was sitting and studying, I made her a dinner. She said she wanted to cry from how happy it made her that someone cares about her so much. We ate, we talked, and I cleaned up after us and went home to let her do her work.
At this point I felt pretty good about how things were going, I felt like things are definitely going into a direction of a relationship. But I didn't push it, I haven't kissed her, haven't like even as much as mentioned sex, I try to "feel it out", I don't want to overwhelm her with my affection or put her in a situation she may not be ready for. And I was looking forward to her inviting me to go out.
But it seems like things have kinda stopped there... for two weeks, we haven't talked much. I try to give her space, I understand we are both very busy. We never really texted a lot, I don't need that, and the language barrier makes it hard for her to text. She never invited me out even though she said she would. And the way we text has changed significantly. For instance, if I were at work all day, she used to text me and wish me a good day, tell me randomly about the lecture she was in, tell me good night, told me to dress up warm... yk the little things. But that's just gone now. I'll tell her about my day and she will respond in max 2 words. I'll tell her to have a nice day and she will not respond at all. She no longer texts me good night. When I tell her about something I am doing, she just straight up ignores it. If she tells me about something that's important to her, I'll make sure to respond and acknowledge that but she doesn't do that back. Like... I feel like she's pulling away, but she hasn't said anything about not being interested in me. And I don't know what to do... Am I overthinking? Is she just busy or is she just giving me a signal that she is changing her mind? Should I keep trying to engage with her? Say something nice? Invite her out regardless of her saying that this time she will invite me out instead? Or should I pull away and leave her alone?