[D47] Update 1.1.1 Preview — Performance Boosts, Smarter Processing, and… Something New.

First off, huge thanks to everyone here who’s taken the time to share feedback. Your input is helping shape D47 in real time. 🔥

Performance Enhancements A player flagged some lag when storing large gem inventories, which also impacted processing speeds. After investigating, I found an inefficient portfolio calculation causing this issue. Fixing this not only resolved the issue but also brought smoother performance and better battery life across the board. Big thanks to that user for helping make the game better!

Batch Processing Improvements Another player pointed out the lack of control during batch processing — an excellent catch! You’ll now find a halt button that lets you pause processing at any time and fine-tune your workflow.

Contact Offer Upgrades Offers from contacts are now more dynamic and reflective of each character’s style and behavior. The world feels a bit more alive with this one.

New App Alert🚨 Something new is coming. After reading some interesting conversations between players here in the sub, I realized that the game had plenty of passive systems, but nothing that let you actively hustle and progress on demand. That’s changing.

The update is complete, and I’m running final tests now. I expect to be live on the App Store within the next 48–72 hours. The new app will be free.

As always, thank you all for your help, support and encouragement! This game wouldn’t be half of what it is without this community.