Why is no-one creating anything in C++ ??

So, I a first year student after learning c++ basic and object oriented programming in c++ thought of building a simple project in this. After wandering around here and there and selecting out which project lies under easy, medium and hard category. I barely find any project tutorial of any project example on YouTube. I looked up for some projects in Git repos. as well, but just through the repo and the files im not able to understand how to start creating. So i switched to chatgpt and it suggested to make a basic 2d shotter game which i thought that "yeah let's do it" and gpt told me to have the knowledge of STL and SFML before creating all this. I went back to find any video of SFML on YouTube but then again i barely find one. So im confused af.... R ppl not creating anything in this language??? And why does it always have to be a game when it comes to making a project in c++ (just stating that it's fast probably won't be an answer to tell to someone who just learnt and wanna further learn c++). So I ask what should I do... How should i further approach this??? Or should I just stick to DSA part for C++ in order to have placement opportunities and not build anything in C++ and then switch of development part and build projects on full-stack or whatever.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!! Give a proper follow up path type answer which i can follow in order to have a better approach (also pls mention sources if any).

PS:-- To all those thinking, im not doing this as a hobby. I started C++ coz i liked the way it works and the syntax and stuff.... Also im thinking of continuing this language upto the placement part and further. But the confusing part is most of ppl who i see are learning c++ are only learning the language and then go for DEA instead of creating any project or something.