Who are creatives in the industry who have a bad reputation amongst comic fans, who you will defend?

For me it's Donny Cates and John Romita Jr.

Donny Cates for me just really understands the rule of cool. Like I know that's kind of what detractors say is that he's all flash and no substance, but like if you read his independent work like God Country and Buzzkill he's really not afraid to get personal.

People liken his work to like Liefeld era 90s comics and I think it's true to an extent, but his work with Marvel just kind of reminds me of a time when comics were more exciting. His work on Venom helped redefine Eddie Brock and he finally helped give Venom a definitive villain. And no one can tell me that Cosmic Ghost Rider isn't sick as hell.

John Romita Jr. I think hands in good work most of the time. I won't lie, I've seen some wack ass JRJr. Panels before, but Ive also seen people bash JRjr work that was perfectly cromulent in my opinion, and his work with Straczynski on Amazing Spider-Man was stellar and pretty formative for me. I think a lot of his line work gets lost in the colors sometimes, and deadlines blah blah blah.