Doc told me I have colon cancer

I'm 40 year-old man. Got a colonoscopy two weeks ago, they found a very small polyp and removed it, sent to a lab. Today they called me and the first thing doctor said was "You have colon cancer."

What a great way to tell me. Then he explained that it was a cancerous polyp that they removed already, meaning I'm cured. And there's no further test or treatment I need to do beside getting another colonoscopy in 5 years.

So I'm a bit confused here. Does this make me a cancer patient? State 0 cancer? Am I really cured? Should I do more tests or get another colonoscopy earlier than 5 years?

Anyway, I'm very stress right now. Tomorrow I'll go see my doctor in person to ask these questions, but now I'm asking here in hope of people who used to be in similar situation that are willing to share their experience. Thanks.