CMV: Islam is an Arab imperialist ideology that kills native cultures and Arabizes them.

Coming an exmuslim from Iraq (Arabized country) I always felt Arab imperialistic religion by nature, especially after learning how countries like Iraq, Egypt, Morocco, Palestine and Syria lost a thousands of years of culture due after being Islamized. Arabic and Arabs were a small minority outside the Arabian peninsula and none existent in North Africa, after Islamization they "magically" became overwhelmingly represented in the MENA region. North Africa used to be culturally Amazigh, know their culture and language are endangered, Syria used to culturally syriac and speak aramiac, but now there's less than 500k aramiac native speakers and coptic (Egyptian native language) got extinct and it's barely used outside some coptic churches.


  • Islam requires learning Arabic

Islam forces its followers to pray and read Quran in Arabic compare to Christianity where you read the Bible and pray in your native language, Arabic is also the language of heavens in Islam, you need to say the shahada in Arabic to covert to Islam and even adhan (call for pray) is also required to be Arabic. Non-Arab Muslims use Arabic terms like Inshallah, subhanallah, astaghfirallah and etc.

  • You need to be a descendant of Qurayshi Arabs to establish a Caliphate

Many sunni hadiths have emphasized the Caliphate need to be descendants of Qurayshi (Muhammed's tribe for those who don't know) which's why a lot of Muslims don't consider non-Arab caliphates like ottomans to be a legit caliphate and anti-ottoman Arabs have used the fact they aren't Quaryashi to delegitmize them as true Caliphate, and there's many non-Arab Muslim rulers like Saladdin who fit all requirements of being a Caliph except the fact that he was a Kurdish instead of being a Qurayshi Arab.

  • Islam is heavily Arab centric

You required to do pilgrimage to two cities in Arabia as a Muslim, you idolize Arab figures like Omar, Abu bakr, Othman and Ali and Islam tells you to be live and act like prophet Muhammed (an Arab man), you follow an Arabic calender system, you required pray towards Mecca, non-Arab Muslims wear Arabic clothes like hijab, abya and thawb and non-Arab Muslims give their children Arabic names while non-Arabic names are looked down on.