Do you think my cat is a Russian Blue?
Me and my partner found him and his siblings, abandoned outside when they were small kittens. His siblings look nothing like him, and none of them have his puffy tail. He also has a very distinctive personality. He meows a lot when we call him and he greets us in the morning. He is extremely affectionate and seems much smarter than the others. His fur is much more rich and vibrant and honestly, something about him seemed very different.
One day, someone pointed out to us that he might be a Russian Blue. I've googled it and then looked it up on this subreddit and he looks almost identical to a Russian Blue. Same looks, same personality. Maybe there's people on this sub who can identify whether he's a Russian Blue or not? Not that it would matter or affect my opinion of him anyhow, I'll love him the same way, I'm just asking because I'm curious about it.