Teaching Class - Help
So, my coach is unable to come to classes for a week and i volunteered to "teach" classes. (Gym has a coach black belt and few of us are blue belts rest are all white belts).
I've asked him what to show to the class he said what ever i want. As my most struggles are grip fighting and guard passing. (i was thinking i should do this) .
The classes are morrning (we do No-Gi in the morning) with duration of 1h in which we do:
-the warmups
-little bit of techniques
-some sparring sessions like 4x3mins
-10mins of strengthening exercises like squats, step forward and backwards, dead lifts, turskish sit-ups, etc..
My question is what would you recommend me to teach. As i got promoted at the beginning of this year to a blue belt. And i am still not sure what the fuck im doing lol, but im trying to teach some mechanics or prinicples.
What would you guys reccommend to teach/learn any video instructional is welcomed and also some strengthening exercises.
Thanks and Oss!