One metre passing flag development

Here in Australia the minimum legal passing distance is one metre (at up to 60kmh / 1.5m at faster speed limit) from the edge of the bike which includes the edge of the handlebar mirror. For this latest development of the “courtesy passing flag” it’s now mounted on the pannier rack with a “Railblaza” brand marine accessory mount and pivot which allows it to quickly and securely lock in range of positions from horizontal to vertical. Length is 1350mm which means it extends just 950mm from the handlebar mirror edge. The shaft is thin and flexible bamboo which bends safely when it’s hit. Previously the “courtesy passing flag” was mounted on the handlebar. I appreciate the feedback from many people here on Reddit about the destabilisation risks of mounting on the handlebar which has led me to trialling this new mounting system. Will test it and let you all know how this one goes. What are your thoughts about this development?