Thinking of kids in orphanages and the foster system makes me cry now.
Just a random thought. The subject of orphanages or adoption or foster care has never crossed my mind…it hasn’t even came up as a conversation with anyone. But today I was scrolling through pictures of my daughter…my heart exploding at every little snap I have of her. Also saw all the family and friends who absolutely adore her. Shes 10 months now so she’s starting to realize the attention/love we shower on her, and how much each of us try to do just to get a giggle or smile. Shes actually comprehending and feeling the love around her and I’m sure it makes her feel all warm and fuzzy inside too. And then it hit me, what if my daughter (due to whatever circumstances) ended up in an orphange or foster care. She would (hopefully) get the basic necessities like water and food, but what about play time, attention, feeling special and loved? I couldn’t imagine how much her little heart would hurt or long for this attention. And then it hit me that this is the reality for many children out there…they don’t get a lot of the things my daughter gets…and to no fault of their own. Every child deserves to have what my daughter has… My heart breaks for every child out there in unfortunate circumstances and I can’t help but see my daughter in them. And now im crying about it lol that is all, goodnight.