The dumbest thing I paused an episode for

So I'm watching season 3, episode 8, "Slip". I'm at the part where Jimmy's at community service. He talks his talk, convinces the guy to give him his hours, and gets both himself and the drug dealer off. The dealer pays him 700 dollars in 50s.

It's the shot where Jimmy admires the money that makes a random thought go through my head: how many 50 dollar bills is that? So I start doing the math (let it be stated that I'm not immediately great at algebra, even though I was awarded for it in high school.): 700/50. I split 700 in half, get 350. Then I go to 35/5, I get 7. 7 * 5 = 35, and because 70/2 = 35, this means 35 * 2 = 70. Now my mind gets to 7 * 2. It's 14. So that means 14 * 5 = 70. Therefore, 14 * 50 = 700.

The drug dealer gave Jimmy 14 fifty-dollar bills.

Man... what a spend of time.