Is anyone getting reasonable GameCube performance on the Raspberry Pi 5?

I mainly want to play three mainstream games, so I assume this road ought to be fairly well trodden by the Dolphin community, but I'm asking here first since I understand want to know what to tweak from a Batocera perspective mainly. I'm content with 1x rendering and 720p or even less for that matter if it means stable performance.

The titles:

  1. Animal Crossing: this one seems to play fairly well out of the box actually.
  2. Mario Kart: Double Dash: "Dolphin" + "opengl" + 1024x768 seems to give accetable (=full) FPS, but no matter what I do I can't seem to get around this "color hue" bug shown in
  3. Zelda: The Wind Waker: the intro runs quite fine, when you place the POV close to the mountain wall it stutters a bit, and once you get into a battle with even the tiniest enemy, the stutter becomes almost unplayable.

In summary - are there some title-specific hacks I'm missing out on, or is running GameCube games with good performance currently not possible on the RPi5?

*clarifications* I am not asking for PC shopping advice; I already had a Pi 5 left over (which set me back ~ USD 100) and that's what I am using in my current setup. Secondly, I am talking about the FIVE, and not Pi4 or older, which are obviously underpowered. Thirdly, a special thank you to those commenting that it is impossible to use and "wrong" to use for emulation - go have fun in your little cave, I'll just keep playing meanwhile ;-)