Can Solipsism Disprove Atheism?
I’ve been struggling with a philosophical idea and wanted to get your thoughts on it. As an atheist, I don’t believe in the existence of God due to the lack of empirical evidence. However, I recently stumbled upon solipsism, the idea that the only thing I can truly know to exist is my own mind. Everything else, including other people’s consciousness, is an assumption.
This got me thinking: if I apply the same skeptical reasoning that leads me to atheism (i.e., rejecting God due to lack of evidence), wouldn’t that also lead me to reject the existence of other minds? After all, there’s no “hard evidence” that other people are conscious, I just assume they are based on their behavior and my own experiences.
If that’s the case, could solipsism be used as an argument against atheism? For example, if I’m willing to assume other minds exist without direct evidence, why couldn’t I also assume the existence of something like God without direct evidence? Or does this line of reasoning just lead to a dead end of radical skepticism?
I’m an atheist myself, but I can’t seem to find a solid counter-argument to this.