People don't give a shit if someone elses wrongs you, but if you call it out, they act like you're the troublemaker

So today, i was leaving a lovely outting at a icecream place.

Top down, with my gf. I'm in a tiny miata that ive poured my heart and soul into having restored. I am in fact touchy around the car, i spent $10k out of pocket, to have the paint redone, it's an OEM 3-stage pearl yellow mica respray. I spent a lot of time, and gathering parts, to restore it back to a great car. $10,000 out of pocket, is 8 weeks worth of soulsucking driving of 18 wheelrs. So yes, i admit, i am a bit touchy about the car and my gf is riding with me.

And i hop into the left turn lane at a busy intersection.

And I'm behind a 13'6" tall boxtruck slowly starting and going through the intersection, it uses up ALL Of the green arrow time. I don't have the best vantage point, i sit in one of the lowest cars in society, vs a tall box truck. As i enter the intersection, the boxtruck finally gives me the visibility to see that the green arrow, is now red. I start to reverse back. At that point this jackass comes barreling through at full speed, and yells out the window "I'm gonna ram your car!" Ok so he's basically threatening to intentionally ram my car, with my gf in it. I admit i wasn't fully aware of the traffic signal change due to the box truck, but then yell at me and threaten to ram my car with my gf in it...

SO i go on a local page, and i call it out for what it is...and then the forum turns on me. I'm the problem. I offered to even show the guy im actually rather chill individual, i'll invite him to coffee, he can say it to my face if he wants, mr 01-06 ford escape.

The forum says well, for calling it out, makes me look bad.

For decades in the school system, i continually ate the worst losses from constantly drove a longterm C-PTSD induced anger problem. I am constantly pissed, i am constantly cussing under my breath. THinking about righting wrongs, "Who did i treat this way?". I've had my cars vandalized before with no witnesses, targeted. I've been bullied horribly. And I just eat the loss, because if i act on what i'd like to do them, i'd get totally fucked by the legal system.

I am pissed with this shit, im gonna get drunk.