How do guys feel about being around girls who like them?
How would a guy feel about knowing that a girl stalks his socials? like, hypothetically, if I accidentally brought up something I “wasn’t supposed to know” (nothing bad really; It’s like the equivalent to a profile picture.) and he asked me how I knew about it, how would he be feeling? would it be obvious that she likes him?? Asking for a friend.. 😞
Edit: Okay, obviously this is for me, I’m asking for me. I basically mentioned something to him about how he changed his profile picture on a game we both play, (his previous profile picture was a running joke in our group and he already knew that I knew what it was previously) and I don’t follow him, so he asked how I know.. I said that one of his friends who I am also close with told me. Is it obvious?? what must he think of me?? I’m so embarrassed.