Army hasn’t paid me in almost 2 months. Advice welcome

I’ve been a Drill Sergeant and helped trainees with pay issues. I have NEVER seen anyone go almost 2 months without being paid. This time, it’s about me and not a trainee.

I’m ETSing and the Transition office put February 10th on my orders when my ETS date is April 9th. They amended the orders but emailed the wrong copy to Finance. 2/14 comes around and I didn’t get paid. I check MyPay and it shows $0. I go to Finance and they tell me the issue so I give them my amended orders and they “fix” the issue. We pay our bills with our savings, no big deal. 2/28 comes around and I didn’t get paid again. MyPay shows my entitlements and deductions with the same number, so my paycheck is $0. I go back to Finance and they say oops, there was an error and the code they entered was rejected. They said that they entered a different code and the issue will be resolved within 24hrs so they can grant “casual pay” in between pay periods to cover the month of February. 24hrs passes and I go back to Finance again - code was rejected again so let’s try something else and it should be good to go tomorrow.

This repeats over and over. They finally reached out to DFAS yesterday and tried a different process. Denied. I just went in-person again today and they said that DFAS gave them a different code/process and it should be resolved by Monday.

Since February, we bought a house (paid for inspection, appraisal, earnest money, etc), paid for our own rent (we live on post) for Feb and March, paid all regular monthly bills, paid for all groceries, paid for baby supplies, and paid $7k for PODS to ship our stuff across country. We are now down to the bottom of our savings (3 month emergency fund went by fast from planning our move and buying a house) and I have little hope that Finance will have this fixed by Monday.

What else can I do aside from hoping this will be fixed by Monday?