Army denies that any money was Taken from Soldiers' Paychecks for Food Costs Spent Elsewhere by the Army

The Army released millper 25-074, denying the report that they have been taking BAS to pay for other things.

E. (U) ALARACT 082/2024, Basic Allowance for Subsistence, 3 September 2024
1. This message will expire no later than (NLT) 1 March 2026.

  1. The purpose of this message is to provide an update on and clarifying guidance for the Army's Basic Allowance for Subsistence (BAS) as well as Essential Station Messing (ESM).

  2. Recent news reports have advanded misleading information about the Army's BAS Program.
    This message is intended to be both transparent and better explain how these entitlements work.

  3. What many Soldiers know as the meal card plan is officially called Essential Station Messing.
    ESM is a Department of Defense-Wide Program that provides Dining Facility meal plans for Service Members living in barracks or similar government quarters to ensure access to meals at Dining Facilities (DFACs). Service Members on ESM have a portion of their BAS entitlement reduced for access to meal plans.

  4. These EMS BAS funds are fully accounted for and used for their intended purposes in accordance with Federal Statues and DOD Policies. The Army doesn't retain any excess BAS entitlement funds; therefore, the Army doesn't reallocate BAS funds to any other requirements