I’m not Anti-AI. I just don’t like generative AI.

I use AI every day. I’m not a Luddite. I just really, really don’t like AI art.

I generally don’t like the outputs, I think it devalues visual and written art and I just generally don’t respect it.

It feels like, all of a sudden, I’ve got teenagers (who had never done anything remotely artistic before midjourney came along) lecturing me on the nature of art - how output is more important than process; how human learning works etc.

Imagine having some 15 year old who has never earned fluency in any discipline trying to teensplain to you that machine training and human learning are basically the same thing.

I’ve got kids who don’t even know what the pre-internet world was like telling me how much of a furore was created by the advent of photography, or photoshop.

These kids don’t know shit about photography, photoshop, human cognition or art history , but boy have they got a lot of opinions on all of it now that ChatGPT can tell them what to say.

Maybe the worst thing that AI does is allow every muppet with an idea to believe that their idea is worth something.